Mushroom picking is also called quiet hunting. This is a favorite pastime of many of our citizens, who every year does not become less.
The people appreciated the mushrooms as a very tasty nutritious product. They are happy to collect them for harvesting for future use, for preparing various dishes and seasonings.
How can you use the collected mushrooms
Avid and experienced mushroom pickers know perfectly well how and when to pick mushrooms, what to do with them. They teach this to their family and friends. But there are many beginners who cannot gain this experience from someone and therefore often make mistakes, precisely when using already collected mushrooms. The result of these mistakes can be spoilage of mushrooms, which have to be thrown away and turning your mushroom picking, their preparation into useless and wasted labor. Mushroom poisoning can become even more dangerous and even tragic.
Therefore, it is important to know how to properly use mushrooms.
So. The first summer mushrooms that you can collect in late June-early July should be eaten very carefully. It is better not to collect such mushrooms at all. Since they can contain a lot of toxic toxins that have accumulated on the soil surface over the year. And the first mushrooms just absorb all this like a pump.
If you use such mushrooms, then they should be thoroughly washed, cleaned and boiled well before cooking. Only then can you fry or cook mushroom soup. Take only young and strong mushrooms.
After July 15, mushrooms begin to grow already better and safer. Such mushrooms can be harvested more boldly and cooked from them in a variety of dishes. But it is still recommended to boil them.
At this time, under favorable weather conditions, the first mass release of mushrooms appears, and mushroom pickers are happy to collect them in whole baskets. As a rule, there are no bitter mushrooms at this time. Among the mushrooms, boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms, boletus predominate. There may be redheads.
How can you use the collected mushrooms
These mushrooms should be tried to be eaten immediately and not cooked for the future for the winter. If you pickle mushrooms, or pickle tubular mushrooms, then only a little and store them in the refrigerator. Provided that they are eaten quickly, within a month.
The fact is that summer is in full swing, and mushroom harvesting simply cannot stand. They will sour and spoil. Yes, and summer mushrooms themselves are not strong, they quickly deteriorate and rot. Summer is summer. This must be taken into account.
If there are a lot of tubular mushrooms, then you can peel them, rinse and boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Then divide into portions, arrange in plastic bags and put in the freezer. They will be stored there for a long time.
The best mushrooms are considered mushrooms collected at the end of August-September. Here they need to be collected for blanks for future use.
The summer heat will already subside by this time, the mushrooms in the forest will be clean, strong, fleshy, all pests will already hide for the winter and will not spoil the autumn mushrooms. Mushrooms can be prepared for future use and stored in basements, cellars, and other cool and dark places. This applies to pickled and pickled mushrooms.
If you decide to boil more tubular mushrooms for the winter and arrange them in bags, then you should still store them in the freezer.
Dried mushrooms should be stored in cloth bags in a dark, dry and cool place.
If there are summer mushrooms left, then they should all be eaten. Don’t leave them for the winter. Harvest Quality Autumn Mushrooms. They will stand all winter and nothing will happen to them.
And further. All pickled mushrooms must be eaten within two months. You can not store them longer, as they can already become dangerous to your health.
Salted mushrooms can be stored until the new mushroom season. They should only be checked periodically.
The same applies to boiled tubular mushrooms stored in the freezer.
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