Heat from underfloor or underfloor heating

The warmth of our home, of course, does not mean that we provide heat for our home. However, when choosing a heating method for our home, we can clarify how our apartment will be heated, whether in terms of maintenance required or energy and economic needs. Underfloor heating is one of the most convenient ways to provide internal heat. Due to some of its positive characteristics, it has been increasingly used in recent times.

When comparing underfloor heating and conventional radiant heaters, we find some difference in outlook regardless of the heat source. Underground heating creates even vertical distribution of heat in the apartment, evenly in layers from the source of radiation. The lowest floor of the floor has the highest temperature, about 24 ° C. At the top, the temperature gradually decreases to 20 ° C at a distance of 2 meters. This heat transfer exactly corresponds to the biological needs of people and causes the state of the so -called thermal comfort. At the same time, heat is used in the most effective way.

Radiators are different. The radiation radiator only heats the air in certain places, and this air rises to the ceiling, which means that at first heat does not spread throughout the room. Then the warm air moves under the ceiling to the other side of the room, until he meets the oncoming stream of heated air from the radiator in the opposite part of the room or on the opposite wall. Then the heated air starts to fall. Then it slowly moves, cooling down, to the source of heat in the room, and completes the cycle.

This circulation creates an uneven distribution of heat in the room and greatly contributes to the transport of dust. In addition, the flow of cool air creates a feeling of cold, and people can react by increasing the temperature of the heat source, thereby increasing heating costs unnecessarily.

Continuous circulation and heating of the air leads to its dryness. In people with allergies, this can cause an adverse reaction in combination with dust. For underfloor heating, a longer floor heating time must be taken into account.

It is necessary to take into account the depth of the radiators. When placed just below the floor covering, the floor can be warm enough in half an hour. For a 5 cm concrete layer, it is about two hours, for a 12 cm concrete layer, about five hours. Therefore, for underfloor heating, energy sources and systems are selected that are fully automated to ensure complete comfort. However, this comes at a higher economic cost.

If you want to make your home warm and cozy, make a warm floor, you can purchase AQUALINE HEATED FLOOR PIPE at the link /truba-sshityy-polietilen-dlya-teplogo-pola, the quality is guaranteed.