Brick laying technique

In order to perform construction work, developers use different types of materials, depending on preferences. In the modern world, new technologies have appeared that allow you to build buildings from foundation to finishing work. Many types of building material can be used for laying walls and internal partitions. It depends on the purpose for which the room will be used and depending on the parameters of the building.

Red brick is the standard building material for building walls. This popular brick is used in the construction of internal partitions. There are some rules and this is the presence of an even foundation, t.e. Foundation. Now it is very popular, it will not be superfluous to learn more about it.

When constructing external walls or load-bearing partitions, there must be an even base of the concrete floor. It is necessary to lay the masonry from the marking of the floor or on the foundation. If the foundation does not allow, then use a plumb line to mark vertical lines. The laying of the primary row is carried out according to the marking.

You can achieve even masonry using the building level, and the straightness of the masonry is carried out using a cord. The cord is attached along the wall at a height of 2 mm. The approximate thickness of the seams is 1 cm. Alignment of the brick along the control cord is performed by tapping with the back of the trowel, and horizontalness is checked by a level.