Making a garden path and flower beds with bottles

A wonderful design find – the use of plastic to design not only a garden path, but also flower beds. A garden path and a small fence in the country, built from plastic bottles, will be multifunctional and practical. They will not deteriorate from water and temperature changes. First you need to collect or purchase the required amount of material. Consider what color (dark brown, green, light) and size of bottles you need. By the way, we would like to inform you that the sale of rolled metal has grown significantly and now you can buy rolled metal without leaving your home on the website – /.

Let’s make a border or an unusual frame for a garden path or flower bed. To begin with, we dig a groove along the contour of the fence of the path or flower bed, pull the cord along it. Pour sand into plastic bottles, close them with lids. Then we install the bottles with their necks down so that their height above the ground is the same (or different levels – if desired). Cover tightly with soil.

You can make a border at the same time in the form of a flower bed. We also dig a groove of the required length, but its width will be the size of the diameter of two bottles. Cut off bottle necks. We pour earth into them, set them tightly to each other in two rows in a dug trench. Sprinkle with earth. We plant flowers of different varieties in the ground poured into bottles. And the border and the flower bed – two in one!