How to wash your hair with rye flour

What woman does not dream of having such a luxurious gift from nature as luxurious and thick hair? After all, it is the hair that largely determines the image of a woman, and it depends on them and hairstyles from the hair how attractive a woman will look in the eyes of men.

How to wash your hair with rye flour

But, unfortunately, frequent manipulations with hair – dyeing, exposure to high temperatures during drying and styling, wrong lifestyle, bad water and some other factors lead to the fact that the hair, even with regular care, does not look too beautiful. The use of even the most expensive hair masks and shampoos also does not always give the desired result, and that’s when women begin to turn their attention to the recipes of grandmothers, who used exclusively natural products to care for their hair. For example, rye flour, which is rich in fiber and vitamins that are good for hair. She, surprisingly, is perfectly washed on her hair, perfectly cleanses even oily hair from dust and dirt and is easily washed off with a stream of water without adding any ordinary means.

About how to wash your hair with rye flour, and what bioshamps can be made on its basis, we will talk today in this article.

First of all, when choosing rye flour for hair care, make sure that it is rough grinding. It is such flour that is useful for hair – it contains many useful components for hair.

How to wash your hair with rye flour

First of all, it should be said that you can wash your hair with rye flour even without water – it will be the so -called “dry washing”. This option can be used, for example, on a campaign or on a train – that is, in a situation where you need to look good, and it is possible to fully wash your hair. To do this, take a handful of rye flour and rub it into the scalp. Actively massage your head and carefully comb all the strands along their length with a wooden comb. It is possible that the first time you will not be able to comb out all the flour – do this procedure several times, and your hair will become shiny and clean. If you like to have a pleasant aroma coming from your hair, you can add dried medicinal herbs ground into powder to rye flour.

If you decide to wash your hair with rye flour in a wet way, that is, using water, then you need to do the following. Pour two or three tablespoons of rye flour into a glass or porcelain bowl and pour warm water or herbal infusion over it to make the consistency of sour cream. Then beat this mass with a whisk or fork until it starts to lather and apply to your hair. Next, wash your hair as you would with regular shampoo. It may be difficult at first to completely wash the flour out of your hair, so we advise you to first rinse your hair under running water, and only then dip it into a basin of water and rinse it there. At the end of the procedure, you can rinse your hair with acidified water – this will add shine to your hair.

By the way, some ladies prefer to dilute rye flour not with water, but with slightly warm milk – this mass also perfectly rinses the hair and is washed off the head without any problems.

If you have too oily hair, then mustard powder added to rye flour can help you cope with this problem. But it needs quite a bit – literally 5-7 grams.

How to wash your hair with rye flour

To care for dry hair, you can make shampoo from rye flour, sour cream, bee honey and, if desired, your favorite aromatic oils. Dilute all the ingredients with warm water to the state of thick sour cream, apply this mixture on your hair and hold on them for 20-25 minutes and thoroughly rinse this mixture from your hair with warm water. Don’t forget to rinse your hair afterwards with warm water acidified with natural apple cider vinegar.

And another huge plus of using rye flour for hair care is that after washing your hair with such a natural shampoo, your hair remains clean for a long time and looks well-groomed, strong and healthy. In addition, which is also important, unlike purchased and expensive products, which can sometimes cause allergic reactions, rye flour shampoos are completely hypoallergenic.