Choosing a shower

Compared to a traditional bathtub, a shower cabin has a number of significant advantages. She does not need as much space as a bath, does not need special care. A shower cabin in a modern design is a shower cabin that is equipped with a built-in massager, lighting, radio and telephone. Installing a shower cabin is not particularly difficult. At the same time, you can also connect an automatic washing machine there, as well as a linen closet and a spacious washstand. And all this will be installed in the bathroom of your small apartment.

The adoption of water procedures will be more hygienic in the shower, as dirty water and cleansers are washed off the body immediately with running water. At the same time, using a shower cabin significantly saves water consumption.

Shower cabins are closed, or only from the front, and the side walls will be the walls of the bathroom. Most often, shower cabins are made of high-quality plastic, which differs significantly in cost from cabins made of ceramics, metal and similar materials. Shower cabins in bulk at a bargain price can be purchased at the link above.

It is better to choose a shower cabin made of matte or colored plastic, on which stains will practically not be visible, at least not like on a glossy one. Doors must be made of special glass or plastic, rarely plain glass. The surface of the flaps should not be too textured – a smooth surface is easier to wash off soap stains and water smudges.

More compact are considered shower cabins with a round or oval tray. Square or rectangular cabins are better to buy with a lower pallet, so that it is easier and more convenient to care for it. When buying a shower cabin, be sure to check the integrity of the pallet and overall stability.

Most often, pallets are made of ceramic, acrylic or steel. Acrylic pallets are more durable and lighter than ceramic ones. Steel pallets, due to excessive noise, require the installation of additional sound insulation. At the same time, the ceramic tray may be damaged by mechanical impact.

You need to know that hydromassage in your shower will only work well if there is good water pressure in your home plumbing. Be sure to check the complete set of plumbing fittings before buying. Usually, fittings are individual for each model, so when you install it yourself, you are unlikely to find the necessary kit for your shower cabin.