What is Pentest and what is it for and how does it work

Many corporations conduct business not only in paper accounting, but also via the Internet. Corporate files contain a lot of information that is not intended for prying eyes. In order for it to continue to remain secret, it is necessary to regularly conduct a Pen test.

This is a type of penetration testing. Its activities are as close as possible to hacker attacks, which makes it possible to identify weaknesses. Pentest Service can be ordered or purchased to maintain a security system, leaving no opportunity for hackers. The testing itself (PTAAS) consists of five main stages. But let’s consider everything in order.

The main purpose of this system is protection against hacker attacks. Specialists conducting Pentest look at all possible avenues of action to achieve the goal. By ordering this service, you will have the opportunity to find out all the shortcomings of the security system in order to competently build protection and prevent hacker attacks, thereby preserving confidential data such as secret developments, financing, intellectual property, etc.

Main stages of penetration testing service

If you decide to use the services of Pentest, then, initially, the parties sign two agreements:

  • non-disclosure document (NDA);
  • service agreement.

At the initial stage, informational interviews are conducted to clarify the main issues that will have to be worked with and discuss the timing of the event.

At stage 2, the collected information is collected and processed. It is drawn from open information sources (social networks, forums, blogs, etc.). An investigation is carried out through a “reverse search”.

At stage 3, two main sources of threats are formed:

  • external, which includes various kinds of applications, traffic, open ports, etc.;
  • internal, coming from company employees, management, suppliers, etc.

The data is processed and analyzed, and a protection model against identified threats is planned.

At stage 4, actions close to hacker attacks are performed. They go through vulnerable areas.

Stage 5 is conducting a risk analysis. Identified deficiencies are scanned and eliminated.

The testing is completed by a report on the work done, vulnerabilities identified and resolved. Experts will make proposals to improve the security system.